Monday, July 31, 2023

Could it be....Satan?: July 30 2023

 Year A, Pentecost 9                                                            Romans 8:26-39                                                                   

            I have always loved this reading from Romans.  I use it when I talk to people about prayer.  “The Spirit helps us in our weakness when we do not know how to pray…” We often use it in funerals.  “I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come… nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God...” 

It’s the reference to death that leads us to use it in funerals.  Yet notice that Paul isn’t just talking about death separating us from the love of God...Paul mentions that life can’t separate us from the love of God.  We rarely focus on that part of the reading, but it’s so much more relevant for our day to day lives.  I don’t think most people spend a lot of time worrying about what comes after they die, at least not until we are close to death or have some brush with death (ours or someone else’s).  Most of us are more focused on what we are going through  now, or next week.  I believe that was what Paul was concerned with as well.

            When Paul talked about being separated from the love of Christ, he didn’t start with what could separate us, but who could separate us.  I am not sure how many of you were watching Saturday Night Live in the late 80s and 90s, but there was a very well known bit called “The Church Lady.”  One of the things she was known for was bringing on guests, judging them harshly and accusing them of being Satan.  Her famous line was, “Could it be…Satan?” There are some Christians who like to blame everything on Satan and certainly evil is at the heart of why a lot of bad things happen.  But when Paul was talking about who would separate us from the love of Christ, I don’t think he was talking about Satan.

It’s possible he was talking about other people who could lead us down the wrong path. At the very end, he mentions rulers among the possible things or people who can separate us from God’s love.   One could make a case for people in power being guilty of that to some extent.  But I think the most common person who separates us from God’s love is ourselves.  How often do we get in our own way in our relationship with God? We can blame it on other people, we can even blame it on Satan, but most of the time, it’s us.

            After asking “Who will separate us from the love of Christ?”---he moves onto what could separate us.  Examples include: hardship, distress, persecution, famine, peril or violence.  In other words---suffering.  There have been times in my life when suffering drew me closer to God, but there have also been times when suffering drew me away from God.  I wish I could tell you what the difference was, how to ensure that whatever suffering you might be experiencing would draw you closer, not further.  I have not yet figured that out.  Fortunately, Paul did.  The suffering that Paul mentions---hardship, distress, persecution, danger, violence---all of that were things he had personally experienced.  That suffering was also present in the communities that he had encountered and ministered to.  What he learned through those experiences was that nothing in all creation could possibly separate us (God’s children) from the love of Christ because God would not allow that to happen. 

            It is tempting to think that it’s in our hands, that we have more control than God over our connection to God.  But the whole point of this text is that God is in control. If we are able to release our tight grip on every part of our life, then we can better hold on to our relationship with God.  Remember how this whole text starts.  “The Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.  And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit…”  There are so many times when I think, well if I just used the right words in this sermon, then people would be able to understand.  And then I stress and sweat and labor over words that shouldn’t even be my words.  It’s so hard not to want to control God.

            I start every sermon with: “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”  Many clergy start that way, and there are some critics of that beginning who say that it’s kind of presumptuous.  By starting that way, it implies the clergy is speaking on behalf of God.  I have always started that way because that is the way I was taught.  It never occurred to me that it was presumptuous.  But the more I think about it, the more I realize that it’s a statement of hope as much as anything else. I know I don’t speak on behalf of God. But I hope and pray that God somehow speaks through me…that God’s spirit intercedes between what I say and what you hear so that you will hear the words that you need to hear.

            I am telling you this, partly because it’s relevant as it’s an Instructed Eucharist[1] and we are trying to teach why we say what we do, but partly because I wanted to emphasize how hard it is to release control over our lives.  I have to remind myself every time I preach that I am not in control of what you hear or what you need to hear. So I get it. I get it that people in their daily lives feel the need to control things. 

Obviously, we have to plan and act.  We can’t just do nothing and assume God will take care of the rest.  Dinner isn’t just going to appear on your table.  You have to go to the store and then prepare the food, or at the very least, order the pizza. But when it comes to understanding suffering or why certain things happen, well those are things that distract us more than anything else.  There is so much that we allow to separate us from God….but there is nothing that God will allow to separate us from him. I am going to say that again: There is so much that we allow to separate us from God….but there is nothing that God will allow to separate us from him. Sometimes the best thing we can do is to get out of our own way and in doing so, make space for the one true God. 

            How does one do that? Partly it’s by making more time in your life for God.  Recently I was reading a devotional and it said that when most of us hear that the greatest commandment is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.” we take that to mean: “Just try not to forget about God.” If we spent as much time dedicated to our families as we do to God, we would probably be considered negligent.  And I am including myself in that assessment.  Make time for worship, for prayer, for study, and for listening to God.  Like our reading says, God is searching our hearts.  God knows our hearts.  It’s time that we get to know God’s heart as well.


[1] An Instructed Eucharist is a regular service with some added explanation that is presented both verbally and in the bulletin.  We do it over a 2 week period.  This week we are focusing on liturgy of the word.

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