Monday, June 24, 2024

Spreading like a weed: June 16, 2024

 Year B, Pentecost 4                                                                  Mark 4:26-34                                              

We use the word parable a fair amount when we discuss the bible.  Like many things, I am not sure we do a good job at defining it. Parables are stories, but they are more than that.  For a long time, I thought that parables were meant to help us understand Jesus’s point.  They were another way to teach. That is true to an extent, but often the parables are confusing, and that is not just because we are reading them in a different time and place.  Jesus’ message wasn’t always clear to those who were hearing the parables 2000 years ago.  Jesus was teaching something that was so new, so counterintuitive, there was an innate mystery in many of the stories he told. Sometimes it seemed like he was just trying to confuse people.  I think the purpose was to help people think differently. He was taking a conventional story and shaking it up. 

While his stories were confusing at times, the images that he used were familiar.  Chapter 4 of Mark has a lot of stories about seeds. This was an agrarian society, so talking about planting and harvesting would have made the message accessible. 

Jesus told two parables in our reading for today.  The first one seems rather mundane.  Someone scatters a seed, goes to sleep and it sprouts and grows.  The person who does the scattering doesn’t seem to know how it all works, he just knows that what he scatters grows. The next story is of the mustard seed.  Many of us know that story…or at least the image…faith the size of a mustard seed. It’s become a symbol in the Christian faith. That comparison to faith is actually in the gospels of Matthew and Luke, but not Mark.  Matthew and Luke also have this story about the mustard seed growing into something bigger, but it’s not connected with the idea that having faith the size of the mustard seed will allow you to move mountains. 

In Mark (as well as Matthew) the growth of the mustard seed is a way to describe the Kingdom of God.  It would be natural to assume that the Kingdom of God is heaven or the afterlife.  But the Kingdom of God is not relegated to what comes next---it’s also in the here and now.  Part of what Jesus was doing in telling these parables was teaching people how we can bring the Kingdom of God to our world and our community.

In Matthew, the tiny mustard seed becomes a tree.  In Luke, it becomes a huge tree.  In Mark, it’s the greatest of all shrubs.  That’s not as impressive as the huge tree, but still indicates that God has growth in mind for the Kingdom of God.  Over the years people have interpreted this parable as the success and growth of the church of God—which is the church getting bigger.  Yet what we know of organized religion over the past 50 years, is that it’s getting smaller.  Does that mean that the seed isn’t growing---that God’s work is not being done? Of course not.  Jesus was talking about the Kingdom of God, not the church. What Mark does is show us a different way to perceive growth and success.

Here is the interesting thing about Mark. The Greek word that is translated to shrub is also (perhaps more accurately) translated to plant or vegetable.  The mustard plants that would have been growing in Galilee looked a lot more like yellow flowers than shrubs.  In some circles, they are classified as an invasive plant because they just take over. It’s like mint or ground ivy. It’s more of a weed than anything else. This is not to say that it didn’t have its purposes.   The mustard plant could be used as medicine…but there was typically more than was needed. It was also a tough plant, very difficult to kill.  No one then would have considered this a valuable crop. That’s why this parable would have been so confusing, because the listeners knew all this.  They were probably wondering why he chose the mustard seed and plant when he could have talked about a seed that grew into something truly impressive.

There are many reasons that churches and cathedrals were built to be tall. Partly it was about symbolizing a connection to God---reaching up toward heaven. But I wonder if it was more basic than that.  People wanted them to be seen from far away, to be an important land mark in the community. These tall building were meant to represent our importance in the community.  In some ways, these tall buildings became a symbol of what we wanted the church to be.

Yet I wonder if we have missed the point, just a little.  What if Jesus was telling people in this parable not how high they could go, but how far and wide they could go…how much this message was meant to spread and take root, even in the places that didn’t want any more weeds in their soil. The Roman Empire definitely didn’t want a new religion.  They didn’t want this faith that taught that all are equal, all are welcome, all are beloved----spreading across their lands.  In some ways, our world still doesn’t want that.  Many would prefer if faith was confined to these building where it can be easily ignored.  And even some of us in these buildings would rather our faith be a beautiful orchid than an invasive weed.

I have heard the Episcopal Church referred to as a niche denomination or even a boutique and there is a part of me that agrees.  It’s not for everyone.  Maybe it’s our traditional worship, or our unwillingness to teach basic messages and repeat things over and over.  Maybe that is not what most people want.  But the message that we have, the message of compassion, forgiveness, sacrificial love, and belonging…that is a message that the whole world could use.  I don’t know a single person who could not benefit from that message.  Are we ever going to convince everyone of how critical the weekly Eucharist is? No. Do we need to? No.

I believe that Christ Church and many churches should consider how we can both stay true to our rich traditions of music, sacraments and thoughtful theology while also finding ways to get closer to the ground, be that invasive mustard plant that can grow just about anywhere and is almost impossible to eradicate.   

You know the other thing about the mustard plant…they are bright and lovely. They bring color to wherever they grow.  Philly needs some more irrepressible color and joy. I mean, this city is colorful in some unique ways, but I am talking about bursts of color.  The mustard plant has the power to transform an entire landscape.[1]  So does the Kingdom of God. Let’s bring color, tenacity, compassion, joy, and love to our community.  May it spread like a beautiful invasive weed.   

[1] Commentary on Mark 4:26-34 - Working Preacher from Luther Seminary by Matt Skinner. This commentary was integral for my sermon. 

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