Thursday, May 18, 2023

The Holy Spirit is Super Glue: May 14, 2023

 Year A, Easter 6                                              John 14:15-21                                                               

            In one church I served, we had a dayschool and every week we had chapel for the 2-5 year olds.  It was tricky coming up with a way to teach the Bible to 2-5 year olds. I stuck with the Bible stories we often tell children—the parting of the Red Sea, the various miracles, and we sang “This little light of mine” frequently.  I shared this ministry with the rector.  One day I walked in to chapel and saw her with a flip chart and a diagram of the Trinity.  She was focusing on the Holy Spirit, but felt she needed to cover the Trinity in doing so. And while I still can’t help but laugh when I remember this flip chart and her effort to teach the Holy Spirit to this age group, I also have to give her a lot credit for trying to demonstrate it visually.  She knew that kids need visuals even more than adults.  And for all I know, a child’s mind might indeed understand the Holy Spirit more than adult’s mind.  But it also reminded me of how incredibly hard it is to explain the Holy Spirit.  And yet still, I am going to try to do it…

            Our reading today covers a small portion of what we call the farewell discourse.  Last week we heard the very first part, but it goes on for several chapters.  It’s called the farewell discourse because that sounds a lot better than, “the Long Goodbye.”  As I said last week, Jesus was trying to prepare his disciples for his death and resurrection and even their resurrection.  In doing so, he was preparing them for a life without him, or at least the bodily form of him—how they could carry on.  Not just carry on with their lives, but the message of Jesus as well.

            Over the course of this farewell, there are moments when Jesus was profoundly clear and moments when he was profoundly confusing.  What we hear today is a bit of a mix.  I want to focus on the very first part, which also happens to be the simplest part.  “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever.  This is the Spirit of truth…You know him, because he abides with you, and he will be in you.”

The farewell discourse goes on for 3 chapters in the Gospel of John.  In our Gospel, it is presented as a very long speech…thus called a discourse.   However, it probably  wasn’t a long speech as much as it was a collection of sayings that Jesus provided for his disciples over a longer period of time.  Over the course of chapters 14 and 15, Jesus described the Holy Spirit, by describing the actions of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit will teach, remind, testify about Jesus and abide with the disciples. 

As we hear in this text today, this is the Spirit of truth.  Remember Jesus, just said, “I am the way, the truth and life.”  Having the Spirit of truth with them was another way to be connected to Jesus.  This is the Spirit that will sustain the disciples after Jesus has ascended to heaven.  This is the Spirit that abides with them, stays with them.

We don’t talk about the Holy Spirit much in the Episcopal Church, not unless it’s Pentecost.  And I think one of the reasons we don’t talk much about the Holy Spirit is because the Holy Spirit doesn’t have direct words for us that are laid out in the Bible.  The Holy Spirit is present throughout the Bible, but that presence comes in different forms and is thus more subtle. God the Father and God the Son both speak to us through the words of the Bible, but the Holy Spirit never actually speaks. 

In the Episcopal Church, we love words.  We worship using the Book of Common Prayer that was written over 500 years ago and has been honed over the centuries.  We don’t talk about the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit doesn’t speak to us in words, at least not words that have been recorded.  It speaks to us in action. 

The hardest part of losing someone, whether it is to death or something else, is the feeling of abandonment.  Jesus wanted to remove the sting of death, by removing that sense of abandonment. And he could do that, because he was Jesus.  He could do that because he was and is part of the Holy Trinity.  The Holy Spirit is about action, but to some extent it’s about inaction…it’s about what it doesn’t do.  The Holy Spirit never leaves us.

The primary time we talk about the Holy Spirit is Pentecost and that is a moment of drama.  There is wind and fire.  The Spirit descends in a way that the disciples cannot ignore.  Yet I have never particularly liked that description because it’s so beyond our experience.  It happened once and never happened again. Perhaps (and forgive me for disagreeing with centuries of tradition) it would be better if we talked about the Holy Spirit who doesn’t descend with fire and change the way everyone talks.  Instead, let’s talk about the Holy Spirit who refuses to abandon us…whose primary purpose is to be the very presence of Jesus Christ. 

When we picture the Holy Spirit, it’s with a dove, fire or wind.  Doves fly away. Fires burn and fade.  Wind sweeps through an area and then moves on.  Yet the word that Jesus uses for Holy Spirit is abide.  The Holy Spirit is like the super glue that we can never get unstuck. Have you ever gotten super glue on your body? That stuff will pull off your skin.  You need heavy chemicals to get that off.  But if you want to fix something, if you want to ensure that something sticks, well that is what you use. You can depend on super glue.

That is what I want and need from God, a God who I can depend on.  A God who will never leave my side, not even when I try my darndest to get rid of God, to ignore God…that God will never leave our side.  And that…that is the God I want and need.  I think that is the God that we all need.   Jesus told his disciples, “I will never leave you orphaned.”  Jesus promised that he would always be with us.  It’s a promise we wish we could require from so many in our lives, but it’s a promise we can only expect from Jesus.  We can expect it because it was a promise and Jesus…always keeps his promises.



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