Christ the King, Year C Psalm 46
Chaos. That is what Psalm 46 is describing. It doesn’t sound like chaos as they are using
poetic words. In the psalms, a roaring
sea is typically used to describe chaos.
It’s a sign of cosmic disorder.
The psalmist writes of the earth moving---earthquakes. Waters that rage and foam could be any extreme
weather. They didn’t have weather
forecasters like we have, predicting what will happen, when it will happen, and
then explaining why it happens. It was all a mystery, and thus even more
terrifying. The other symbol of chaos
was nations at war. The psalmist wrote
that the nations raged and the kingdoms were shaken. Chaos.
don’t remember a time in my adult life when the world has not seemed a little
chaotic---at times, overwhelming so. Just this week we had mass murders on two
separate college campuses. Young people are traumatized and terrified, and not
for the first time. It’s been a particularly bad week in our country. And of course, there is no shortage of bad
weather or nations at war. Nations are
shaken. The waters rage and foam.
the causes of chaos might be slightly different than they were when the psalms
were written, I don’t think the feelings were that different. We like to think
that people in the Bible lived in relative peace and security. How else could
they have such faith in God’s protection? Yet we know that the Hebrew people
were rarely at peace. They were usually
at war, often being displaced. And when
things were relatively calm, there was fear and uncertainty.
for some reason they were able to say, “God is our refuge and strength.” Is it because they didn’t have any other
source of safety and strength? Perhaps. But I think there was more. I wonder if God’s presence was more tangible
then. There were specific places where God was present. The text mentions the
“city of God.” That is mostly likely a
reference to Jerusalem. One of the
things that made Jerusalem the city of God was that it was a place that held
the ark of the covenant. Interestingly,
the ark of the covenant was built to be transported. Some think it was never meant to be confined
to one place. Because God was not meant
to be confined to one place.
beginning of the Psalm is: “God is our refuge and our strength.” It doesn’t say
that the city of God is our refuge and strength—but God. The reality is that no city, no state, no
country is impenetrable. Even our
schools have become places of violence. I yearn for something solid, a place or
even a moveable trunk that could hold the holiness of God, so I could reach out
and touch it, feel that presence in a way that would not require faith.
the New Testament, God delivers that divine presence in a unique way. It’s once again moveable, even
transient. It’s a human body. Previously the ark of God was protected in a
tabernacle. With the birth of Jesus, the tabernacle became flesh and blood.
There were no walls of protection, no people standing guard. Jesus was among God’s people for about 30
years. That is what I really want, I
want God in human form. I want to be
able to talk directly to God, see God, feel God. I don’t want to pray for God’s
presence. I just want it. Then maybe I
would feel safe and secure. We all
that’s not what we have. That tabernacle, that bodily temple was
destroyed. It was resurrected, but then
taken away again. Now we have no ark, no
body. It feels at times as though we are
alone in the chaos. “God is our refuge
and strength, a very present help in trouble.”
We no longer have tangible connections to God’s presence, not like they
once had. However, this psalm does give
us some tips, a guide if you will. “The
Lord of hosts is with us…Come now and look upon the works of the Lord, what
awesome things he has done on earth.” In some ways we have to try harder to
feel God’s presence. In other ways, God’s
presence is evident when we look for it. We can see it in nature. We see it in people.
We see it in the sun that comes through these gorgeous windows. The psalmist also tells us to “Be still then,
and know that I am God.” The Hebrew word that is translated to still can also
be translated to “stop or sink in.”
psalm is about finding God in the midst of chaos. When the waters rage, when the nations are
shaken, God tells us to stop. Most of the time, we cannot control the chaos
around us. We try. Sometimes we try
really hard and that can makes us absolutely crazy. My mom and I are worriers. My Dad always
asks, “Why would you worry about something you can’t change?” Rationally that makes sense, but it’s
hard. At some point today, make a list
of those things that are stressing you out, that are maybe even creating more
space between you and God’s presence.
Then cross out the things you can’t control. I bet you will whittle that
list down considerably. Then find a time
or place to soak in some natural beauty, some part of God’s creation and
stop. Just stop.
reason we have worship is to provide that opportunity to stop, to sink into
God’s presence. While God is no longer with us in an ark or the form of a
human, we have the sacraments of our church that allow us to soak in God’s
presence. The definition of a sacrament is
“an outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual grace.” It’s our moveable ark. It’s why after we consecrate (bless) the
bread and wine, we put the left overs in something we call an aumbry. Some denominations call it a tabernacle.
I know that a lot of
people think that there is no good reason to have church buildings, that you
can find God anywhere. But (and I know
I am biased), I think there is something uniquely holy about churches. They are places of stillness and calm. They are place where the sacraments
dwell. And hopefully, they are a safe
place, a harbor in the storm for all of God’s people. Because our world is now,
and will always be chaotic. Yet here is
a place where we can say with assurance, “God is our refuge and our strength.”
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